

  • 未知
  • 未知

  • 纪录片


  • 2016


2022年我在隔离期间本着学习生物学词汇的目的观看了《地球脉动》,开启了一个与人类环境完全不同的奇妙世界。在惊叹于动物世界的适者生存和精妙绝伦的摄影技术同时,对人类和自然关系的思考是这部纪录片留给我们的课题。中英字幕链接(百度网盘)When we talk about the relationship between human being and animals, the first thing came into my mind is the documentary produced by BBC called Planet Earth. I had a great journey. The director took me to islands, forests, deserts, mountains, grasslands and cities to experience the fantastic animal worlds we seldom see. I learned the crucial and hostile world they live in, perilous predators and wary prey, intense competition, extraordinary survival strategy and mother's love to their babies. Their power, stamina, strength, will and wisdom left impression on me, but the most sobering thing I learned is how to keep balance between wild animals and people. We continually expand our territories, build more and more skyscrapers and create a jungle of concrete. The ingenunity with which we reshape the surface of our planet is striking, but it does make great and nonreversible influence to other creatures, directly and indirectly. We have the resposibility to protect and live in harmony with nature. "We cannot just provide home for us, but for all lives on earth." We may get rewards if we truly embrace animals and let them in our lives, the phenomenal connection with incredible cretures.