

  • Jerome,Pradon
  • Gale,Edwards

  • 纪录片



  • 2000


“Always hoped that I’d be an apostleKnew that I would make it if I triedThen when we retireWe can write the Gospels So they’ll still talk about us when we die”听到这里泪目,这是Poor old Judas的自白。JCS重构了基督教故事:耶稣凭借一次成功的死亡,完成了一场震荡千年的Propaganda。无论这场宣传中占主导地位的,是神的旨意还是由凡入圣的必须,他都成功了——无论过去是真是假,十字架上,他都成了货真价实的King of Jews。JSC从传播学角度上戏仿并提出问题:Who are You? What have You sacrificed? 也是为何要要谑称耶稣为Superstar:Jesus Christ, superstar:Do You think You’re what they say You are?……Did You mean to die like that?Was that a mistake, orDid You know Your messy death would be a record breaker?JCS所做的,是从壁画上与颂歌中,把受难与背叛的人像解放出来,让他们可以有自己的话语,即使是在宗教上极具颠覆性的话语。耶稣可以怀疑过上帝的旨意,犹大也可以有对耶稣矛盾的爱,抹大拉的玛利亚可以有私念,但最后又忠诚于耶稣……原始文本留给创作者的空间是如此宽广,无怪来自神话、宗教乃至经典小说的题材,都能够经受一次又一次的再创作。(点名藻海)———————磕CP分割线————————#本就不坚定的本耶一个纵跃跳槽犹耶##新约真的提供了好多便利,比如一吻定情认人#“I don’t know how to love himI don’t know why He moves me He’s a manHe’s just a manHe is not a king He’s just the same As anyone I knowHe scares me so”