

  • 李易峰,肖央,陈星旭,吴刚
  • 李路

  • 国产剧



  • 2020




片中所述之Oil、Gas、Coal Clout对大众的Macroeconomic Slavery当然存在(真要少看肥皂剧),有关911、Gaddafi、Saddam的分析也很合理。唯独将Hawaii国王为其民族争取到的政治独立完全与黑幕政治等同欠不妥。
只是本人觉得影片夸大了高层对新能源发明的限制,其对此类发明感兴趣是必然的,然而在当今社会限制大众尤其是科学界对此类知识的了解恐怕是做不到的,不过片中提及的Megnetic Field Interacts with Gravity Field学说颇具启发。
另外对疑似ET Specimen的基因分析很科学,很客观,哪怕后来有“Later genetic evidence of the Atacama skeleton indicated that it was a human child skeleton, only a few decades old, and the mother was most probably an indigenous woman from the Chilean region of South America.”一说,你也无法指责本片。
总体算是做了一场理性分析或者论文阅读,唯独对CE-5 Human Initiated Encounter持保留态度。
PS: Eisenhower的话"Only an alert and knowledgeable citizen can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals."有点睛之效。影片剪辑还是很棒的。