

  • ··SpencerGrammerJakeMcdorman
  • ·

  • 美国剧


  • 2011



  • 帮帮我托德第二季 更新至06集


  • 反恐特警组第七季 更新至09集


  • 得州巡警第四季 更新至03集


  • 夏日未至第一季 更新至06集


  • 明日传奇第一季 第16集


  • 明日传奇第二季 第2集


  • 德州巡警第四季 第3集



Once i was planning to watch this show with my roommate but things happened one after another and never get the chance to finish that during the semester. now its summer time and i finally find time and interest to run through my life again. this is the typical college comedy plus love drama show which cater to college students and show us a not exactly originate college frat/sorority life. of course it's so typical that you can almost imagine what's going on around each people and their relationship. i've only started to watch from season four so i have totally no idea about what the heck is going on before hand. but since the story goes on it's so fascinating that you couldn't stop, just like i did. so basically there's this young cute girl Casey and her little brother and things going around them. from the show we can actually see what's going around in our college lives: friends, brothers, boy/girlfriends ... everything just make a net of interaction among people.the realtionship between people are just so intriguing yet predicable yet interesting. ok not to say the weird situation of casey's two exs- cap and evan. of course who would be able to choose between a sexy prodigal who doesnt give a crap about anything and a gentleman who has everything planned out not to mention his handsome look and eminent family. it;s like super fake korean drama all over again. even the choice is identical . you know how the neverending brake and get back play.anyway , their relationship is just so messed up that she just have give up on both of them . great choice i'd say if i were in that situationrusty is mad about how cap dumped ( or ignored his sister and tried to get back on him, well that made several good scenes to the whole drama play. but to be honst, i really liked that kid, smart, sensitive, considerate, id just occured to me why the writer didnt make him to be gay rofl. anyway the summary kinda inform us how rusty grow from a totally greek to the way he is right now, standing up against for what he think is right and totally go for it. the end is just typical and yet satisfying. i hate it when people say it's not dramatic enough or crap like that simply because i know deep in heart they know they want it to be the ending. oh hell yeah you like it ends where everyone just turn to each other and never speak to each other ever again? how stupid and ridiculous would that be? so back to the topic, no matter how hard thy tried the KT still can't be preserved and torn down, which is really sad because it's feels so homey and like a long live symbol. everything that is fun, sad, crazy happens in here. i can almost feel it when everybody watched the house being torn down and their memory being destroyed. spitter is right, KT is the place where made them who they are right now, cappie, spitter, beaver and even casey and others, because its a part of their life and also a part of thir best memories. at the end of the day, i liked how spitter cheered people up, and i think thats the right way to think about it : house is not the that bond people together, it's the spirit and brotherhood that made the frat the way it is today. one good thing about youth is their easily being motivated and maybe a little over optimistic. well nothing wrong with that indeed lol. the goodbye scene is also cliche like but joy with sorrow. every once brother or sister now is alum and starting to pursue their way of life. after som many come and go spitter is finally with ash which i think is a perfect and cuttest couple. evan and beck, still in progress i think but it will get along through time. imao i think they are def a better fit than case evan and case since you know evan is just tooo cool for her. just kidding , but seriously they are not meant to be together, evan is too serious and so is casey, there has to be something thats not so serious between them and cappie , well , is the cure. lol no matter what, i like the cappie casey set and they deserve to be together. other couples like beaver and kat .. well that tells us smart women are always, and by always , i mean it, even in real life, into those simply minded jocks . ok, say me wrong ,but this is almost the most interesting part in every college life comedy. it's also hilarious and almost lovely to think that beaver is gonna be the kindergarden teacher. lucky for the kids lol heath and calvin, the offical gay couple , i dont really see a lot romance going on in this season so i would assume they would go peace and quiet, not exactly but you know what i mean. but seriously you guys, someone so mature and someone whos totally not, ok i can only justify this by some serious love out there. and also theres dale and laura. after so many flirting scenes i was like how the hell on earth will you guys just stop pretending and make out?! well at least they fiannly did at the end of the season, thank god and good for them. theres so many scenes i want to talk and share but when it all come to me it's just like a weird mess. i know i m the kinda person who cant even express my feelings properly. so i m just gonna slowly digest it and probably gonna watch the rest of the seasons maybe from the start since i kinda gotta plenty of time here. anyway, this is a really great show which explains how i finished 10 eposodes within like 24 hours. and people who do want to know whats like in greek system, go for it.