
错误教育已完结 共6集

  • 科洛·莫瑞兹,萨莎·莱恩,詹妮弗·艾莉
  • 戴思睿·阿卡万

  • 海外剧



  • 2018




- “What was she like?” - “She was perfect.”

desire to be and desire to be with


“Native American David Bowie”


What’s Up - 4 Non Blondes:在Sense8里第一次听到,是Nomi差点被拉去割脑前叶的那天。此后每次听到心里都泛起一片彩虹。在这里似乎也很应景,尤其是institution那句

“Nobody’s beating us or anything, but teaching you to hate yourself, how’s that not emotional abuse?”

LGBTQ和coming of age的结合,重新定义了什么是成长什么是叛逆,there’s no better combination any other way

在所谓gay conversion camp的context里 “community”也多了几层意味吧

大约90年代对queer community真是个很微妙的时期:还算有一定recognition有一定词汇有一定历史,一边仍然是很stigmatized。本片就算放在queer cinema经典的“past struggles VS looking forward”辩论中仍然经得起考验而不轻易倒向哪一边:既没有victimize孩子们也没有脸谱化地villanize authority—which if they had done, would weaken the sense of omnipresent ideological pressure by embodying it in and thus reducing it to villanized caricature authority figures like Ed Rooney in Ferris Bueller’s Day Off or Richard Vernon in the Breakfast Club.

三位主主角对自己的identity一直很坦然不confused,真正挣扎的与其说是gender identity或是sexuality,不如说是一种mentality against society, against Christianity, against INSTITUTIONS,是 “像我们这样的人如何和彼此相处,和家庭,和社会,和上帝”。就连和两位老师的互动也始终没有升级到面红耳赤的争吵,或是符号化什么“teenage nihilism/对世界的咆哮”。dramatic but genuine. Beautiful soundtrack. 大爱结尾。【一定要解读大约也可以说这个镜头有某种“moving forward but looking backward”的symbolism for queer history吧