

  • 帕特·弗雷利,埃德·吉尔伯特,苏珊·布卢,查尔斯·阿德勒,艾伦·欧朋海默
  • 埃德·弗赖德曼,ErnieSchmidt,卢·卡希瓦斯,汤姆·塔布瑙奇斯

  • 动漫



  • 1987


最近重温这部动画,发现其中有不少值得人思考的句子,整理出来以飨同好(附简单翻译,后续不定期更新):------1. 布雷斯塔:I think we've learnt how important it is to have friends. 我们认识到了有朋友是多么重要。 变形马:As I said before, you don't get friends by snatching them off the streets. You've got to EARN them. And you know how? 我之前就说过,你不能从大街上拽来朋友,你得去赢得朋友,知道怎么做吗? 布雷斯塔:It's called "The Golden Rule": do onto others as you would like them to do onto you. 就是“黄金法则”:已所不欲,勿施于人。 变形马:In other words, treat them the same way you want to be treated. 换句话说,你想怎样被对待,就要怎样对待他人。 布雷斯塔:Then they'll be proud like I am to call you friend. 然后他们就会像我一样自豪地把你称作朋友了(笑)。------2. 萨满:A man can run away from his duty, but never from his conscience. 一个人可以逃避自己的责任,但是没法逃避自己的良心。------3. 布雷斯塔:There's a little good even in the worst people. 即使是最坏的人身上,也会存在着一点点善。(讲过两次,一次是老烟枪Skuzz,一次是Tex-Hex的往事)------4. 布雷斯塔:Blind people don't want our sympathy. They just want a chance to show that they can make it on their own. 盲人要的不是我们的同情,他们要的只是一个机会,向别人展示他们自己可以独立成事。 J.B.法官:Right. And given the chance, they can perform wonders. 没错,只要给他们机会,他们可以创造出奇迹。------5. 布雷斯塔:The law might be slow at times, but it works. And the more you respect it, the better it works. 法律的制裁往往姗姗来迟,但确实有效。并且,你越是尊重法律,它的效果就越好。------6. 萨满(对童年布雷斯塔):It is foolish to show off to others with power or danger, young Bravestarr. You must show them what YOU are. 用权力或危险来向他人炫耀是很愚蠢的,小布雷斯塔,你要向他人展示你自己是谁。------7. 布雷斯塔:It's wrong for one person to be judge, jury and executioner. 一个人既当法官,又当陪审团,还作处刑人,这样是错误的。------8. 布雷斯塔:Fighting doesn't make a hero David. A hero's much more than that. Look around here, son. This cabin, this whole farm, your father did all these himself, with his own hands. And out in this wild territory, too, he works and lives out here, day in and day out. He fights everyday, fighting the weather, fighting to keep the machinery running, fighting to keep the crops alive. It's not a spectacular fight, but it's a long one and never stops. And someday when the Kerium runs out and the miners leave, people like your father will still be here, making this planet a better place for people to live. In the long run, they are the real heros David. 大卫,争斗本身并不能造就英雄,当一位英雄远远不止这些。好好看看这周围吧孩子,这栋小屋,这片农场,都是你父亲用自己的双手建设起来的。他在这片荒野之地上生活、劳作,日复一日地打拼,要让设备运转,要让作物生长。这不是什么惊天动地的战斗,但一直持续,永不停息。等到有一天星球上的矿藏开采殆尽、矿工们都离开的时候,你父亲这样的人还会在这里,为了让这个星球变得更加宜居而努力。大卫,长远看来,他们才是真正的英雄。------9. 萨满:Searching for the answers will teach you even more than finding them. And remember, it is not what who someone was that counts, but who someone is now. 寻找答案的过程,比找到答案本身,能使人懂得更多。记住布雷斯塔,一个人过去是谁并不重要,重要的是他现在是谁。------10. 布雷斯塔:Thank you Fuzz, and please, if anyone ever, ever let you down, just remember them for what they did right, not for what they did wrong. 谢谢你细毛,请你一定记住,如果有人让你沮丧,让你失望,多想想他们做得对的事,不去想他们做错了的事。------